Why donations?

The firmware, called SUCOFUNKey, is 100% Open Source, continuous evolving and does not bring any money to it’s creator. The development is financed by the sales of the kits, devices, workshops and freelance work besides this project. To support the implementation of new features, turn donating into account to keep the project alive and at a fast pace.

Get your name on the supporter screen

If you donate at least 25€ for the project, you will be mentioned in the firmware as a supporter.

Donate and leave a comment, if you want to get mentioned and the name you want to be listed with. The field to enter your supporter name is within the PayPal donate process and can easily be overseen. If you missed it, please send an e-mail to heyho(at)sucofunk.com and send us the supporter name and the e-mail address your PayPal account is connected with.